Viewpoint Supports Global Empty Bowls Movement to Support Local West Valley Food Pantry
Viewpoint Supports Global Empty Bowls Movement to Support Local West Valley Food Pantry
On Thursday, March 21, Viewpoint proudly hosted its seventh annual Empty Bowls fundraiser on campus, with proceeds from ceramic students’ art provided to the West Valley Food Pantry. This cherished tradition not only showcases the talents of our visual arts students - it helps fight hunger in our community by raising funds for a meaningful cause.
Empty Bowls, a global grassroots movement of artists addressing hunger, originated more than three decades ago. Introduced at Viewpoint in 2017 by Ceramics Teacher and Visual Arts Interim Department Chair Nell Yates and Viewpoint’s CORE students (Community OutReach for Everyone), led by Upper School Teacher and Service Learning Coordinator, Pam Oseransky, participation in the initiative has grown year over year. This year, students, faculty and staff crafted 180 bowls in preparation for the event.
“I just love when the kids gather around on the day of the event, pointing at bowls and saying, 'You picked my bowl' or 'I know who made that.',” said Yates. “The beautiful thing about clay is that it lasts forever, turning these event-crafted items into permanent memories for people."
Viewpoint’s students and employees were able to purchase tickets in advance for $8 to secure a bowl or for $10 on the day-of. Each ticket included a delectable ice cream sundae served in a unique handmade ceramic bowl.