Viewpoint Hosts Record Turnout of Thought Leaders at Annual Enrollment Management Association’s Event
Viewpoint Hosts Record Turnout of Thought Leaders at Annual Enrollment Management Association’s Event
Viewpoint School welcomed the highest turnout ever of more than 125 Los Angeles-area independent school enrollment leaders and their heads of school at the annual Enrollment Management Association (EMA) professional development event. Hosted in the school’s Carlson Family Theater, the featured speaker, EMA Executive Director and CEO Heather Hoerle who also serves as a Viewpoint Trustee, provided attendees with an in-depth view of the trends and drivers shaping independent schools now, what they mean for school leaders, and how your team can embrace a strategic mindset to ensure long-term enrollment success.
Following the keynote, attendees gathered in Viewpoint’s Benjamin Franklin Library for lunch and roundtable discussions on six different topics: AI, Regional Consortia, Career Development, Heads of School, Retention, and USC Enrollment Management Certificate Program, of which Laurel Baker Tew, Associate Head of School for Enrollment Management is an Adjunct Faculty member. Following the event, we had the opportunity to sit down with Laurel, who offered her insights and reflections:
What do you think contributed to the record turnout for this event?
The Los Angeles area is home to a large number of independent schools, whose enrollment leaders are deeply interested in essential mindsets for school success and sustainability. EMA is a national thought leader in this area so it was natural that so many enrollment leaders wanted to come participate.
What is the key takeaway you hope attendees gained from the event?
“That it’s no longer about just “admission.” It’s about strategic enrollment management. SEM has to knit together and unite all success factor for students and schools: not just marketing and recruitment, or selection and onboarding of new families, but these other interconnected factors that affect admission: a school’s mission and brand; its institutional strategy; its sense of culture and belonging; its programs and outcomes; its family engagement and retention; and its tuition and financial strategy.
What were some of the highlights or standout moments from this year’s event?
First of all, a national Leader of the stature of Heather Hoerle herself coming to deliver the key findings from EMA’s biennial survey of thousands of independent-school-applying families, The Ride to Independent Schools. Second, because EMA’s work in supporting our schools’ enrollment robustness encapsulates the words of EEFord Foundation President John Gulla, who says: “I believe independent schools are particularly well-positioned to develop, adopt, and share approaches to current educational challenges and changes that can broadly benefit all students—public, private, and independent… It is this spirit of innovation, of a willingness for individual independent schools to try something new…that makes us critical right now. ”