Six outstanding films created by Viewpoint film students were showcased at the renowned All American High School Film Festival (AAHSFF), with two of them receiving prestigious awards. The event, which took place from October 20-22 at the AMC 25 in Times Square, New York City, is recognized as the world's largest high school film festival. The festival featured a selection of 700+ films out of 2,500 submissions, with only 200 films nominated for various awards.
Viewpoint’s filmmakers earned the honor of having six of their films highlighted at the festival, with two of them taking home awards and three of them securing award nominations, including:
Hardcore, written and directed by Madeleine Case ’22, received the “Female Rising Star Award.” The film was also nominated for several other categories, including “Best Screenplay,” “Best Cinematography,” and “Best Overall Film.”
Brightside Academy, directed by Anabelle Corneau ’23, received the nomination and award for “Best Public Service Announcement.”
Sole Searching, written and directed by Colette Samek ’22, also received the nomination for the “Female Rising Star Award.”
Three other Viewpoint films were also showcased at the notable event, including Leave a Voicemail written and directed by Merista Quetzál ’23, Morning written and directed by Alana Malingagio ’23, and Jackie written and directed by Sundiata Enuke ’24.
“Attending and winning two major awards at the largest high school festival in the world is a source of immense pride and validation,” said Monica Hoenig, Film Teacher at Viewpoint School. “It signifies the culmination of dedicated effort and creative growth within my students, and a testament to the guidance and mentorship my colleagues and myself have been able to provide for them.”
Established in 2012, the All-American High School Film Festival stands as the premiere destination for accomplished high school filmmakers and media arts enthusiasts from across the globe. While this marks the first year that Viewpoint students have secured multiple awards, numerous student films have been featured at the event since the department initiated its submissions in 2018.
The Viewpoint Film Program empowers students to nurture their creativity, technical skills, and artistic voices, inspiring not only our community but also the wider world. All our productions are student-generated, emphasizing the value of the process and reflection as much as the final product. All of the films featured at the All American Film Festival can be found here.