Trustee and Chair of Advancement
Head of School Circle Benefactor
As the President and Head of School, I am honored to reflect on the power of giving during the 2022-23 school year. In fact, it is the power of your giving that makes a difference here at Viewpoint.
We envision “a world where education changes lives.” Lives of our students and lives of all those that they will impact in the future. To bring this about, our teachers and our staff are the difference makers in a life-changing education. And so—giving is the difference maker in schools. It gives us the ability to recruit, retain, develop, and recognize great teachers. None of this is possible without the power of giving. As I write this, we are in the midst of another year of incredible philanthropy at Viewpoint, with an inspiring Annual Benefit right around the corner. It gives me joy to reflect on last year’s success as the foundation for this year’s moonshot.
At Viewpoint, we create exceptional readiness for extraordinary futures. Together, we cultivate the critical skill set, courageous mindset, and resilient identity of each individual student.
The Viewpoint Fund fuels this mission.
Without the support of our Viewpoint Fund donors, we simply could not offer best-in-class curricular and extracurricular programs delivered by talented and inspiring faculty. Every single gift contributes to a margin of excellence. As you scroll through this report, you will discover the impact of your gifts, and we are truly grateful for your generosity.
We also know the Power of One— that one simple act from one individual or family can be transformational in the lives of our students.
On May 13, 2023, our community came together for Viewpoint’s 40th Annual Benefit at the Skirball Cultural Center with hundreds of parents, alumni, grandparents, and staff gathering to celebrate the creation of the Cathy Adelman Endowment Fund for Financial Aid, the first-ever endowment fund to focus exclusively on tuition assistance for students in our Primary and Lower Schools. We grossed $1.4 million, surpassing last year’s record-breaking results by $200,000. This stunning success is a testament to the philanthropic heart of our community and to our shared commitment to Viewpoint’s World Ready promise.
In Cathy’s words, “. . . I really believe we’re going to change lives with the generosity of our community. That just means everything to me. What more could you want in your life but to feel like you’ve made a difference. And we will, and we are making a difference in every child that’s here. I really truly believe that with all my heart, but now children that would not have been able to come are going to be here.”
This is the power of philanthropy, and this is Our Viewpoint.
Mark McKee
Head of SCHOOL circle MEMBERS
Kelly & Don Carlisi
Kelly Day Foundation
Edward E. Ford Foundation
Susie Jun & Shao-Lee Lin
Michelle & Robert Bradway
Mary & John Conlin
Peggy Jones & Parise Livanos
W.M. Keck Foundation
Howard Keyes
Lucie & Eran Moas
Patty Zeng
Anonymous (2)
The Beal Family
Ashley Black & Christopher Coelen
Cathy & Pete Blumel
Judy Gawlik Brown & Steven Brown
Kristen Carlson ’01
Leslie & Steven Carlson
Lisa & Gregory Cassileth
Rayna Schein & Robert Flachs
Jerriann & Quentin Fleming
Julie & John Fogerty
Zelene & Michael Fowler
Liat & Trevor Gerszt
Valerie Karno & Eric Glaser
Julia & Daniel Goodman
Bret Hankey
Tran Ho & Ken Jeong
The Kern Family
Valerie & Andrew Kieffer
Robert & Kimberly Kravis Foundation
Maggie & Thomas Lefler
Lindsey Lucibella
Erica & Jay McGraw
Ziba & Mark Nassab
Christina & Timothy Noonan
Lauren Pfefferman
Michael Pfefferman
Cathy Boething Pherson ’79 & Bruce Pherson
Kimberly Bieber & John Pietrzak
Cory & Nathaniel Redleaf
Alexandra & Eric Sagerman
Darby Stern-Sedighan ’00 & Artin Sedighan ’00
Jill & Dan Schecter
Laura Schuman
Marisa & Chaney Sheffield ’98
Gia & Paul Shurgot
I.N. & Susanna H. Van Nuys Foundation
Brooke & Jeffrey Weiss
Shelly & Bernard Wolfsdorf
Tina & Brian Wynn ’85
Audrey Xu & Andrew Yang
Christine & David ZeBrack
GIVING FROM 7/1/22 -6/30/23
Trustee and Head of School Circle Patron
Benefactor Co-Chairs
Jackie Schaffer ’91 and Jeff Schaffer
Chaney Sheffield ’98 and Marisa Sheffield
Patron Co-Chairs
Kristen Carlson ’01
Leslie and Steve Carlson
Dr. Tran Ho and Ken Jeong
Lindsey Lucibella
Christine and David ZeBrack
Anonymous (2)
Michelle and Robert Bradway
Kristin Hodge and Jon Chu
Mary and John Conlin
Alice Bamford and Ann Eysenring
Sophiah and Michael Hakim
Lyn and Alan Kabakoff
Karno Glaser Family
Peggy Jones and Parise Livanos
Jody and Brent Polacheck
Rasmussen Foundation
Jason Rouse ’96 and Michal Rouse
Pam Shriver
Dr. Niniek Purnomo and Klaus Woizik
Vice Chairs
Cathy and Neil Adelman
Kelly Adelman ’07
Cathy and Pete Blumel
Kafi and Bob Blumenfield
Judy Gawlik Brown and Steve Brown
Maria and Jay DiMaggio
Audrey and Jeff Dunham
Fishing Pole and Love Foundation
Deena and David Gussman
Jerriann and Quentin Fleming
January Jones
Margaret Keyes
Nickie and Marc Kubasak
Erica and Jay McGraw
Jennifer and Mark Measures
Swetha and Arvind Movva
Christina and Tim Noonan
Ed O’Neill
Papariella Family
Lloyd Saitman
Jill and Dan Schecter
Yuna Megre and Dmitry Sergeev
Gia and Paul Shurgot
Sharon and John Tesoriero
Patty Zeng
Auction Co-Chairs
Krystal Dry-Murphy ’03
Jerriann Fleming
Loren Francis
Kari Watson Garman
Lindsey Lucibella
Shaneka McDonald
Mark Measures
Rhonda Richards-Smith
Michal Rouse
Steve Wiseman
GIVING FROM 7/1/22 -6/30/23
Benefit Co-Chairs
Benefit Patron and Auction Co-Chair
Auction Co-Chair
Gifts made from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023
我很荣幸能成为观点基金的志愿者之一,为我们的学校社区服务! 我希望我的小小贡献能让更多人了解观点学校的价值!呼吁大家为 学校贡献自己的一份绵薄之财力,聚少成多让我们的学校越来越 好!祝龙年吉祥!万事顺遂!
Viewpoint Fund Co-Chair
Viewpoint Fund Co-Chair
Auction Co-Chair