Game of Myths
Game of Myths
By Jennifer Simmons
Friday, May 16, and Saturday, May 17, 2025, at 7:00 p.m.
Carlson Family Theater
Tickets: $15 General Admission $10 Students
The Greek gods learn the Cloud Throne is up for grabs, with Zeus declaring the coveted throne will go to the do-gooder who’s the most helpful, compassionate, and caring.
What follows is a series of short scenes adapted from traditional Greek myths but told with a cheerful twist and an emphasis on magnanimity. Aphrodite plays matchmaker for Pygmalion. Ariadne helps Theseus to defeat the Minotaur. Hades allows his wife, Persephone, to leave the underworld every once in a while, to visit Mom. Athena and Hermes give Perseus the confidence – and firepower – to slay Medusa. The Muses make things right for Paris and Helen. Even the fickle Fates act favorably toward faithful Moira!
How will Zeus decide among so many good deeds done? We find that old habits die hard in this fun tale of mythological creatures, mere mortals, and (mostly) good gods full of goodwill and grace.
Viewpoint School recognizes Bill and Araceli Papariella for their leadership support in the Viewpoint Fund and their symbolic sponsorship of this event as donors in our Head of School Circle.